Jumat, September 23, 2011

bundes liga jerman 2011-2012 | klasemen sementara bundes liga

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klasemen sementara premier league 2011-2012 | liga inggris 2011-2012
klasemen sementara la liga 2011-2012 | liga spanyol
hasil liga Champions | skore pertandingan liga Champions 2011-2012
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klasemen sementara premier league 2011-2012 | liga inggris 2011-2012

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bundes liga jerman 2011-2012 | klasemen sementara bundes liga
klasemen sementara premier league 2011-2012 | liga inggris 2011-2012
klasemen sementara la liga 2011-2012 | liga spanyol
hasil liga Champions | skore pertandingan liga Champions 2011-2012
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klasemen sementara la liga 2011-2012 | liga spanyol

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klasemen sementara premier league 2011-2012 | liga inggris 2011-2012
klasemen sementara la liga 2011-2012 | liga spanyol
hasil liga Champions | skore pertandingan liga Champions 2011-2012
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sambutan kepala sekolah SMK N 1 TUREN MALANG

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
Syukur alhamdulillah kami panjatkan ke
hadirat Allah swt yang telah melimpahkan
rahmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga kami dapat
menyelesaikan web site ini dengan baik.
Web site ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk
mengembangkan sekolah dalam bidang
teknologi informatika terutama
pembelajaran melalui e-learning scho ol
sehingga diharapkan SMKN 1 Turen ini
merupakan sekolah yang berbasis IT. Dengan
adanya web site ini diharapkan tercipta
komunikasi interaktif antara sekolah dengan
siswa , wali siswa dan masyarakat.
Wasalamualaikum Warahmatullahi
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Kamis, September 22, 2011

Wujud Honda City Facelift

Hadirnya Honda City facelift itupun diketahui
setelah gambar Honda City dalam bentuk
brosur di Thailand bocor. Kabarnya Honda
bersiap untuk merilisnya akhir 2011 atau
paling lambat awal 2012.
Sayangnya seperti dilansir indianautosblog,
Selasa (20/9/2011) pabrikan seperti tidak
tertarik merubah bagian interior. Tampilan
interior dipertahankan dengan alasan masih
ciamik. Dalam brosur tersebut menyebutkan
Honda hanya menunjukkan dua skema warna
Honda City facelift mengalami perubahan pada
bumper, grille. Bagian depan diakui
terinspirasi oleh Honda Accord dengan sedikit
laburan krom yang menambah suasana mewah.
Tak ketinggalan pelek juga diubah untuk
menyepandankan tampilan bodi.
Wujud grille direvisi, grille Honda City facelift
lebih lebar ketimbang model lawas. Sedangkan
tail lamp didesain ulang yang mengadopsi
Honda City yang ditampilkan pada Australia
Motor Show 2008 silam.
Inovasi lain yang dilakuan Hnda pada City
yakni pada stop lamp yang kini lebih lebar dan
dibubuhi mica putih betingkat sebanyak 2
Honda City dilengkapi dengan mesin i-VTEC
1.5 liter. Honda City sudah memanfaatkan
fitur keselamatan ABS (Antilock Braking
System), EBD (Electronic Brake force
Distribution), BA (Brake Assist).
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Mobil Bila Tidak Ada Suara MalahBerbahaya

Mobil-mobil canggih dengan sistem hybrid atau
bertenaga listrik yang saat ini dijual di
pasaran dunia memang salah satu
keunggulannya adalah menawarkan
'kesenyapan' bagi para penumpangnya.
Namun hal itu malah menimbulkan
kekhawatiran bagi pejalan kaki dan
pengendara sepeda yang beresiko tertabrak
dan tidak bisa menghindar karena mereka
tidak bisa mendengar suara mobil ketika
Jadi, untuk meminimalisasi dampak buruk
tersebut, saat ini pemerintah Inggris sedang
mempertimbangkan rencana yang akan
memaksa para produsen mobil untuk
menaikkan 'volume suara' mobil misalnya
dengan memasang generator suara buatan.
Hal ini sejalan dengan langkah yang dilakukan
para pejabat dari Uni Eropa dan AS yang
memang mengusulkan adanya batas kebisingan
yang minimum untuk kendaraan baru. Setiap
kendaraan diyakini harus memiliki suara yang
akan ditempatkan di sekitar angka 40 desibel.
Sebelumnya isu ini memang sudah beberapa
kali tercetus. Tahun lalu pun Toyota sudah
mengumumkan akan mulai menjual alat
penghasil suara buatan untuk ditempatkan
pada mobil hybrid, Prius yang menghasilkan
suara mobil seperti di film kartun.
Sementara Nissan juga melakukan hal yang
sama untuk para pembeli mobil listrik, Nissan
LEAF. Hanya saja, Nissan mengambil inspirasi
dari film Star Trek dengan menjual alat
penghasil suara yang mampu membuat suara
lajunya mirip dengan suara 'wuss' ketika
Starship Enterprise melaju.
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Asap Knalpot Bisa Picu Serangan Jantung

Sebuah laporan yang diterbitkan dalam British
Medical Journal menemukan ada peningkatan
risiko serangan jantung pada orang-orang
yang menghirup udara dengan kandungan
polusi tinggi. Serangan ini bisa terjadi 6 jam
pasca orang menghirup udara dengan tingkat
polusi yang tinggi.
Para peneliti percaya bahwa asap knalpot
yang dihasilkan kendaraan bermotor memang
tidak secara langsung menyebabkan serangan
jantung, tapi, bila manusia terus-menerus
menghirup udara yang terpolusi maka efek
negatif akan terjadi terutama pada tingkat
harapan hidup masyarakat.
Direktur British Heart Foundation, Prof
Jeremy Pearson mengatakan bahwa catatan
medis dari hampir 80.000 pasien yang terkena
serangan jantung telah dipelajari bersama
dengan data polusi udara untuk melihat
apakah ada hubungan antara polusi dengan
gejala serangan jantung.
"Studi skala besar ini menunjukkan secara
meyakinkan bahwa risiko Anda terkena
serangan jantung naik, sekitar enam jam
setelah menghirup asap knalpot kendaraan,"
kata Prof Pearson.
"Kita tahu polusi dapat memiliki efek besar
pada kesehatan jantung Anda, mungkin
karena bisa 'menebalkan' darah untuk
membuatnya lebih mungkin untuk membeku,
menempatkan Anda pada risiko tinggi
serangan jantung," tambahnya lagi.
"Saran kami kepada pasien tetap sama, jika
Anda telah didiagnosa dengan penyakit
jantung, cobalah untuk menghindari
menghabiskan waktu berlama-lama di luar di
daerah dimana ada kemungkinan tingkat
polusi lalu lintas yang tinggi, seperti pada
atau dekat jalan raya," sarannya.
Penelitian ini seolah mempertegas 'ketidak-
sehatan' lalu lintas di Bumi setelah
sebelumnya beberapa penelitian juga
mengatakan kalau asap knlapot juga bisa
membuat kerusakan otak dan Alzheimer.
Namun, peneliti dari London School of Hygiene
and Tropical Medicine, Krishnan Bhaskaran
tidak begitu yakin kalau asap knalpot mampu
secara langsung menimbulkan serangan
jantung pada seseorang.
Tapi terlepas dari hal itu, kedua peneliti ini
sepakat kalau merokok dan diet yang tidak
sehat memiliki kecenderungan negatif yang
jauh lebih besar daripada asap knalpot.
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kata kata lucu

kata kata lucu gokil - berikut ini beberapa kata kata lucu tp trkadang tidak lucu malah seperti mengejek. Jangan sembarangan kata kata lucu karena bisa menyinggung orang laen. Hati hati kata kata lucu. Silahkan kata kata lucu.
Setiap gue datang ke acara pernikahan, pasti
banyak yang tanya "kapan nyusul?".
hmm.. pembalasan nih pas di acarapemakaman
giliran gue yang tanya
"kapan nyusul?"
*5 Manfaat menyontek :
1. Menyehatkn otot otot mata
2. Meningkatkn kreatifitas
3. Meningkatkn sosialitas antar teman
4. Nilai dijamin bagus
5. Melatih kecepatan gerak reflek
Ini Kata2 dari SMS kutukan :
klo dibaca ingusan
klo gak dibaca mimisan
klo gak di bales panuan
klo di bales kudisan
klo di save jerawatan
klo di hapus sariawan
Klo ketawa bisulan
Klo marah...masuk kuburan..
Tahukah kamu ? bahwa "ooo" itu bulat
Tahukahkamu ? bahwa duren itu di belah
bukan di bedong
Tahukah kamu? bahwa orang yang jatuh dari
sepuluh meter pati selalu menghadap tuhan
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Rabu, September 21, 2011


Kalau hidupmu saja sudah sibuk? Buat apa
mengikat diri dengan hidup orang lain yg cuma
membuatmu lebih sibuk dan bukan
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HOLLYWOOD film hape

Good Neighbours [BDRip]
We Are The Night [DVD]
Doomsday Prophecy [DVD]
The Smurfs [R5]
The Tree Of Life [BRRip]
Area 51 [DVD]
Zookeeper [BRRip]
Dark Vengeance [BDRip]
Mysterious Island [DVD]
Black Death [BDRip]
Contagion [CAM]
Robotropolis [DVD]
Dont Be Afraid Of The Dark [CAM]
Flypaper [DVDSCR]
Terri [BRRip]
Henrys Crime [DVD]
The Dead [BRRip]
Born To Race [DVD]
The Caller [DVD]
Amsterdam Heavy [DVD]
Things Fall Apart [DVD]
The Ledge [BDRip]
Go for It [DVD]
The Debt [TS]
The Holding [DVDSCR]
Hindenburg [BRRip]
Crazy Stupid Love [TS]
Red State [DVD]
The Guard [DVDSCR]
Hit List [R5]
Chalet Girl [DVD]
Bunraku [VODRip]
Somebody Help Me 2 [DVD]
Set Up [DVD]
Creature [DVDSCR]
Knuckle [DVD]
The River Murders [DVD]
Assassination Games [DVD]
A Little Bit Of Heaven [BDRip]
Bridesmaids [DVD]
The Entitled [DVD]
Killer Mountain [DVD]
Shark Night [TS]
Apollo 18 [TS]
Children of the Corn Genesis [DVD]
Larry Crowne [PPV]
The Green Lantern [PPV]
Captain America The First Avenger
Transformers 3 [PPV]
Attack The Block [DVD]
The Art Of Getting By [PPV]
Red Faction Origins [DVD]
Mr Poppers Penguins [PPV]
Bereavement [BRRip]
Not Another Not Another Movie [HDRip]
Never Back Down 2 [DVD]
Colombiana [TS]
Thor [BDRip]
Satan Hates You [DVDSCR]
X-Men First Class [BRRip]
Friends with Benefits [R5]
Fright Night [TS]
Everything Must Go [DVD]
Conan the Barbarian [TS]
Spy Kids 4 [TS]
Exorcismus [DVD]
Love Wedding Marriage [BRRip]
Battleground [DVD]
The 5th Quarter [DVD]
Fast Five [BDRip]
Water For Elephants [DVD]
Final Destination [TS]
Kung Fu Panda 2 [R6]
Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger
Tides [DVD]
Grave Encounters [DVDSCR]
The Help [CAM]
VIPs [BDRip]
The Change Up [TS]
Black Butterflies [DVD]
Unthinkable [BDRip]
Smile [DVD]
Horrible Bosses [TS]
Rise of the Planet of the Apes [TS]
Superheroes [DVD]
Shakespears Cat [2011]
Tactical Force [BRRip]
Prom [DVD]
Dont Let Him In [DVD]
Super 8 [DVDSCR]
Midnight In Paris [PPV]
Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs Evil [BRRip]
Dirty Movie [BRRip]
Wound [BRRip]
Bad Teacher [R5]
Fist 2 Fist [DVD]
The Conspirator [DVD]
Monte Carlo [R5]
Roadkill [DVD]
The Music Never Stopped [DVD]
Cowboys And Aliens [TS]
Blitz [BRRip]
Scream 4 [DVD]
Something Borrowed [DVD]
Quarantine 2 Terminal [DVD]
Hop [DVD]
Poolboy [DVD]
Your Highness [DVD]
Goblin [DVD]
Super [BRRip]
Crazy On The Outside [DVD]
The Devils Rock [DVD]
Priest [BRRip]
Love Birds [BRRip]
YellowBrickRoad [DVD]
The Veteran [DVD]
Uncertanty [DVD]
The Mountie [DVD]
Jumping The Broom [BRRip]
Winnie The Pooh [DVD]
Brighton Rock [DVD]
Fly Away [DVD]
Submarine [DVD]
Source Code [BDRip]
The Burma Conspiracy [BDRip]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:
Part 2 [TS]
Miss Nobody [DVD]
Wrecked [DVD]
Thats What I Am [BDRip]
Soul Surfer [BRRip]
Playing House [DVD]
Dylan Dog Dead of Night [BDRip]
Ironclad [BDRip]
Wolf Town [DVD]
Iron Doors [DVD]
Every Day [BRRip]
Born To Ride [DVD]
Rio Sex Comedy [DVD]
Lies in Plain Sight [DVD]
Empire of Assassins [DVD]
My Babysitters A Vampire [DVD]
Brando Unauthorised [R5]
Ferocious Planet [DVD]
Detention [DVD]
Ghosted [DVD]
The Lazarus Papers [BRRip]
Paranoid Activity 2 [DVD]
Take Me Home Tonight [BDRip]
Witchville [DVD]
Exit 33 [DVDSCR]
3 Backyards [DVD]
Cars 2 [TS]
The Orphan Killer [DVD]
The Ward [DVD]
2012: Ice Age [DVD]
Cougar Hunting [DVD]
Trust [BRRip]
Hybrid [BDRip]
Rio [DVD]
Bloomington [DVD]
Bloodlust Zombies [DVDSCR]
Arthur [DVD]
Amors Baller [DVD]
Mega Python vs Gatoroid [BDRip]
Brothers Justice [DVD]
Insidious [BDRIP]
Saw 3D [DVD]
Flesh Wounds [BRRip]
Sucker Punch [DVD]
You Got Served: Beat the World [BDRip]
Miss Nobody [DVD]
Stripperland [DVD]
Ecstasy [HDRip]
Age Of Heroes [BRRip]
5 Days of War [DVD]
Tormented [DVD]
Infection The Invasion Begins [DVD]
Gravytrain [DVD]
Bite Marks [DVDSCR]
Mars Needs Moms [DVD]
Sinners and Saints [BDRip]
Blubberella [DVD]
Seconds Apart [BDRip]
Henrys Crime [BDRip]
The Adjustment Bureau [DVD]
Elektra Luxx [DVD]
The Eagle [DVD]
Slices of Life [DVD]
Orcs [BRRip]
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Rodrick Rules [DVD]
Paul [DVD]
Point Of Regret [DVD]
Green Lantern Emerald Knights [DVD]
Fading of The Cries [R5]
N-Secure [DVD]
Ceremony [DVD]
Hanna [R5]
Unknown Identity [DVD]
Luster [BRRip]
Swinging with the Finkels [DVD]
Zombie Undead [DVD]
Mask Maker [DVD]
Savage County [DVD]
The Woman [DVDSCR]
Super Storm [DVD]
Clash Of Empires Battle For Asia [BRRip]
The Shrine [DVD]
The Hangover Part - II [TSv2]
Stake Land [DVDSCR]
Cut [DVD]
Cedar Rapids [BRRip]
Blue Crush 2 [BRRip]
Beastly [DVD]
Rango [DVDSCR]
Red Riding Hood [DVD]
Hall Pass [DVD]
El Dorado Temple of the Su [DVD]
Unknown [R5]
The Duel [DVD]
Fertile Ground [DVD]
Death Hunter [DVD]
Barneys Version [DVD]
True Grit [BDRip]
Limitless [BDRip]
Hidden [R5]
Battle Los Angeles [BRRip]
Tracker [DVD]
The Frankestein Syndrome [DVDSCR]
Drive Angry [BDRip]
Change of Plans [DVD]
Vanishing On 7th Street [BRRip]
Die-ner [DVD]
Justin Bieber Never Say Never [BRRip]
Chalet Girl [R5]
Krews [DVD]
Dahmer vs. Gacy [DVD]
The Lincoln Lawyer [BDRip]
Exorcismus The Possession Of Amy
Evans [DVD]
The Violent Kind [DVD]
Killing Bono [R5]
The Hit List [DVD]
Butchered [DVD]
Ninjas Vs Vampires [DVD]
Gnomeo Juliet [DVD]
Breadcrumbs [DVD]
Endure [DVD]
200 MPH [DVD]
Growth [DVD]
Madeas Big Happy Family [TS]
Season of the Witch [DVD]
Julias Eyes [BRRip]
Dinoshark [BDRip]
Scouts Honor [DVD]
Sacrifice [BDRip]
Fast And Furious 5 - Rio Heist [TS]
Street Wars [BDRip]
Knockout [DVD]
Predicament [DVD]
Recut [DVD]
Hyenas [DVD]
Monster Mutt [DVD]
From Prada to Nada [BRRip]
Sanctum [BDRip]
Respire [DVD]
Just Go With It [R5]
Blood Out [DVD]
The Inheritance [DVD]
Sniper Reloaded [BRRip]
Mandrake [DVD]
Caged [DVD]
AniMen Triton Force [R5]
Street Kings 2 Motor City [DVD]
Strapped [DVD]
The Mechanic [DVD]
The Rite [PPV]
No Strings Attached [PPV]
I Am Number Four [PPV]
Terror Trap [DVD]
Somewhere [DVD]
Burning Bright [BDRip]
Five Minarets in New York [BRRip]
The Craigslist Killer [HDTV]
Blooded [DVD]
The Taqwacores [DVD]
Beauty And The Beast [DVD]
The 19th Wife [DVD]
Gooby [DVD]
Wild Target [DVD]
Pelt [DVD]
The Green Hornet [BDRip]
The Unforgiving [DVD]
Prowl [DVD]
Good Day For It [DVD]
Merlin And Arthur The Lion King [DVD]
Dont Fade Away [DVD]
Wake Wood [DVD]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I
Angels Love Donuts [DVD]
Husk [DVD]
Spiderhole [DVD]
Chatroom [DVD]
The Warriors Way [BRRip]
Dead Awake [BDRip]
The Speed of Thought [DVD]
Shred 2 [DVD]
Little Fockers [BRRip]
Hard Breakers [DVD]
Jack Falls [DVD]
The Vanquisher [DVD]
The King`s Speech [BDRip]
Point Break [DVD]
Age Of The Dragons [BDRip]
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale [DVD]
Road Train [DVD]
Heaven Aint Hard To Find [DVD]
Ominous [DVD]
Big Mommas Like Father Like Son [R5]
Last Night [DVD]
Half Moon [DVD]
Zombie Driftwood [DVD]
All Good Things [DVD]
London Boulevard [DVD]
The Best And The Brightest [DVD]
The Dragon Pearl [DVDSCR]
Killer By Nature [DVD]
Pound Of Flesh [DVD]
Destination Forks The Real World Of
Twilight [DVD]
The Roommate [CAM]
Legacy Black Ops [BRRip]
Camp Hope [DVD] [DVD]
Anneliese The Exorcist Tapes [DVD]
Made in Dagenham [DVD]
The Chronicles of Narnia - The Voyage
of the Dawn Treader [BRRip]
Jackboots on Whitehall [DVD]
Psych 9 [DVD]
Wake the Witch [DVD]
Repo Chick [DVD]
Big Trouble [DVD]
Sinbad And The Minotaur [DVD]
Black Swan [BRRip]
The Chameleon [R5]
The Book Of Eli [DVD]
Country Strong [PPV]
Eddie Griffin You Can Tell Em I Said It
The Chaperone [DVD]
Essential Killing [DVD]
A Marine Story [DVD]
How Do You Know [BDRip]
Yogi Bear [DVD]
TRON Legacy [DVD]
Hereafter [DVD]
Big Mommas Like Father Like Son [TS]
The Sunset Limited [DVD]
Gnomeo & Juliet [TS]
The Next Three Days [DVD]
Burke and Hare [DVD]
No Strings Attached [TS]
The Dilemma [TS]
Fair Game [DVDScr]
127 Hours [DVD]
Gullivers Travels [DVD]
The Fighter [DVD]
Faster [DVD]
River of Darkness [DVD]
Due Date [BDRip]
Vanishing on 7th Street [PPV]
Its Kind of a Funny Story [DVD]
The Kings Speech [DVDScr]
Love and Other Drugs [DVD]
Unstoppable [DVD]
The Tourist [R5]
Dear Mr Gacy [DVD]
Happythankyoumoreplease [DVD]
Life as We Know It [DVD]
Blue Valentine [DVDScr]
The Warriors Way [TS]
Welcome to the Rileys [DVD]
Morning Glory [CAM]
I Spit on Your Grave [DVD]
Let Me In [DVD]
Arthur 3 The War of the Two Worlds
The Company Men [DVDScr]
Tangled [TC]
Megamind [DVDScr]
Ultramarines [DVD]
Secretariat [DVDScr]
Death Race II [DVD]
Tomorrow When The War Began [DVD]
Dinner for Schmucks [BDRip]
Piranha [DVD]
Skyline [R5]
Devil [DVD]
Mirrors 2 [DVD]
Cyrus [DVD]
The Town [DVD]
My Girlfriends Boyfriend [DVD]
Buried [R5]
Takers [DVDScr]
The Last Exorcism [DVDScr]
Casino Jack [R5]
Easy A [DVD]
Im Still Here [DVD]
Going The Distance [DVD]
Stone [R5]
Paranormal Activity 2 [TS]
Inception [DVD]
The Thaw [DVD]
Eat Pray Love [R5]
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World [DVD]
The Social Network [DVDScr]
The American [R5]
Resident Evil Afterlife [R5]
Red [DVDScr]
Kray [DVD]
The Last Airbender [DVD]
Winters Bone [DVD]
Get Him to the Greek [DVD]
Wall Street 2 Money Never Sleeps [R5]
Toy Story 3 [R5]
The Informant [DVD]
Resident Evil Afterlife [R5]
Grown Ups [R5]
The Expendables [R5]
The Other Guys [DVDScr]
Salt [R5]
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time
The Twilight Saga Eclipse [DVD]
The A-Team [DVD]
Predators [TS]
Greenberg [DVD]
The Karate Kid [R6]
Knight and Day [TS]
Splice [DVD]
Shrek Forever After [TS]
MacGruber [CAM]
Hot Tub Time Machine [DVD]
Shes Out of My League [Bluray]
Robin Hood [DVD]
Date Night [R5]
The Runaways [DVDScr]
Remember Me [Bluray]
Mr. Nobody [R5]
Undisputed III Redemption [DVD]
Alice in Wonderland [DVD]
Iron Man 2 [TS]
The Losers [DVDSCR]
Solomon Kane [DVDSCR]
I Love You Phillip Morris [R5]
The New Daughter [DVD]
Kick Ass [TS]
Chloe [R5]
Clash Of The Titans [TS]
Cop Out [R5]
The Bounty Hunter [R5]
Forrest Gump [DVD]
How to Train Your Dragon [TS]
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Demonic Toys 2 [DVD]
Repo Men [TS]
Sleep With Me [DVD]
Defendor [DVD]
6 Guns [DVD]
Griffin & Phoenix [DVD]
A Christmas Carol [DVD]
Da bing xiao jiang(Little Big Soldier) E-
Subs [DVD]
The Descent: Part 2 [DVD]
High Plains Invaders [R5]
Green Zone [TS]
Shutter Island [R5]
Merantau(E-Subs) [DVD]
Zombies of Mass Destruction [DVD]
The Slammin' Salmon [DVD]
The Final [DVD]
Survival of the Dead [DVD]
Dear John [TS]
The Hurt Locker [DVD]
Crazy Heart [SCR]
Brooklyn's Finest [DVDSCR]
The Time Traveler's Wife [DVD]
Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard
The Crazies [TS]
The Men Who Stare at Goats [DVD]
The Wolfman [TS]
Alvin and the Chipmunks:The Squeakquel
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The
Lightning Thief [R5]
Solomon Kane [TS]
Precious [DVD]
Leaves of Grass [R5]
Ninja Assassin [DVD]
Asylum Seekers [DVD]
Inglourious Basterds [DVD]
Deadline [DVD]
An Education [DVD]
Possession [DVD]
Tooth Fairy [R5]
Ca$h [DVD]
The Fourth Kind [DVD]
District 13 Ultimatum [DVD]
. [DVD]
From Paris With Love [R5]
Legion [R5]
Edge of Darkness [R5]
Valentines Day [TS]
Cirque Du Freak The Vampires Assistant
Twilight New Moon [SCR]
The Spy Next Door [DVD]
Avatar [DVDScr]
Daybreakers [DVDSCR]
The House Of The Devil [DVD]
Leap Year [TS]
The Book of Eli [TS]
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
Case 39 [DVD]
Sherlock Holmes [DVDSCR]
Make The Yuletide Gay [DVD]
Smokin Aces 2 Assassins Ball [DVD]
The Stepfather [DVD]
Its Complicated [DVDSCR]
The Road [DVDSCR]
Whiteout [DVD]
Big Fan [DVD]
Sorority Row [DVD]
Post Grad [DVD]
Up In The Air [DVDSCR]
The Lovely Bones [DVD]
Adam [DVD]
A Dangerous Man [DVD]
Universal Soldier: Regeneration [DVD]
The Box [DVD]
Top 10 Box Office Movies of 2009 [INFO]
Star Trek [ DVD]
The Blind Side [DVDSCR]
Law Abiding Citizen [R5]
The Invention of Lying [DVD]
Where the Wild Things Are [DVDSCR]
Surrogates [DVD]
Dorian Gray [DVD]
Couples Retreat [SCR]
Invictus [DVDSCR]
Wonderful World [BDSCR]
Serious Moonlight [SCR]
Extract [BDRip]
Fantastic Mr. Fox [TS]
Forget Me Not [DVD]
The Princess And The Frog [TS]
Brothers [TS]
The Marine 2 [DVD]
2012 [R5.Subs]
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New
Orleans [DVD]
Law Abiding Citizen [R5]
American Pie: The Book of Love [DVD]
Veronika Decides to Die [DVD]
Harry Brown [SCR]
The Final Destination [DVD]
Homecoming [DVD]
Samson and Delilah [DVD]
Carriers [DVD]
Planet 51 [TS]
World's Greatest Dad [DVD]
Gamer [DVD]
Saw VI [R5]
Funny People [DVD]
Shorts [DVD]
Black Dynamite [DVDSCR]
Pandorum [R5]
The Hangover [DVD]
Last Ride [DVD]
Zombieland [R5]
Hurt [DVD]
Into Temptation [DVD]
The Invention of Lying [CAM]
Astro Boy [CAM]
Rebound [R5]
Wolvesbayne [DVD]
The Tournament [DVD]
The Hills Have Eyes II [DVD]
The Hills Have Eyes [DVD]
Public Enemies [Bluray]
Wrong Turn 3:Left for Dead [DVD]
Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince
Damage [DVD]
The Taking Of Pelham 123 [R5]
Orphan [DVD]
9 [R5]
American Virgin [DVD]
The Ugly Truth (2009) [DVDSCR]
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra [DVD]
My Sisters Keeper [SCR]
Transformers 2 Revenge of The Fallen
Jennifers Body [TS]
I Love You Beth Cooper [WP-SCR]
Trickr Treat [DVD]
The Proposal [DVD]
Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs [TS]
The Thaw [DVD]
500 Days of Summer [SCR]
Away We Go [DVD]
Shrink [DVD]
If I Die Tonight [DVD]
Infestation [DVD]
Battle for Terra [DVD]
Gamer [TS]
Book Of Blood [DVD]
Aliens In The Attic [R5]
Spread [CAM]
Monsters Vs Aliens [DVD]
District 9 [R5]
The Girlfriend Experience [DVD]
Smash Cut [DVD]
Not Forgotten [DVD]
Mum & Dad [DVD]
Halloween II [CAM]
Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie
Audie & the Wolf [R5]
Bruno [R5]
Sex Pot [DVD]
Drag Me To Hell [DVDSCR]
Angels and Demons [DVD]
Dance Flick [BDRip Unrated]
Friday at Dewaynes [DVD]
Summer School SE [DVD]
Inglourious Basterds [TS Subbed]
Fraternity House [DVD]
The Bridge To Nowhere [DVD]
Goodbye Solo [DVD]
Bring It On Fight To The Finish [DVD]
Funny People [TSv2]
Night at the Museum Battle of the
Smithsonian [DVD]
The Damned United [DVDSCR]
Lonely Street [DVD]
Fighting [DVD]
The Crypt [DVD]
A Perfect Getaway [TS]
Awaydays [DVD]
Insignificant Things [DVD]
The Informers [DVD]
American Violet [DVDSCR]
The Collector [CAM]
G-Force 3D [TS]
Lovely by Surprise [DVD]
The Last Resort [DVD]
Adventureland [DVD]
Ice Age 3 [R5]
X-Men Origins Wolverine [DVD]
Nothing Like the Holidays [DVD]
The Art Of War III [DVDSCR]
Hanger [DVD]
Big Nothing [BRRip]
Visioneers [DVD]
Long Weekend [DVD]
The Soloist [DVD]
Blood The Last Vampire [DVD]
Bart Got A Room [DVD]
Terminator Salvation [DDC]
Ghosts Of Girlfriends Past [Workprint]
Messengers 2 The Scarecrow [DVD]
17 Again [BRRip]
The Myth (Eng Dub) [DVD]
Miss March [Unrated DVD]
Van Wilder Freshman Year [Unrated
Duplicity [DVD]
Hide [DVD]
Streets Of Blood [DVD]
Three Priests [DVD]
The Las Vegas Abductions [R5]
Watchmen [DVD]
Reach For Me [DVD]
Albino Farm [DVD]
The Haunting In Connecticut [DVD]
Second Coming [DVD]
I Know How Many Runs You Scored Last
Summer [DVD]
In Your Dreams [DVD]
Ghost Month [DVDSCR]
Race to Witch Mountain [SCR]
Everybody Dies [DVD]
Knowing [DVD]
The Last House On The Left [R5]
Plaguers [R5]
Kill Theory [BRRIP]
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
[Unrated DVD]
Make It Happen [DVD]
Land Of The Lost [TS]
Backwoods [DVD]
Safety Glass [DVD]
Goal 3 [DVD]
Witch Hunt [DVD]
The Combination [DVD]
Were The World Mine [DVD]
Skeleton Key 2 [DVD]
Pokemon Giratina And The Sky Warrior
Johnny Mad Dog [DVDRIP]
Spring Breakdown [DVD]
Madea Goes To Jail [DVD]
Friday The 13th [DVD]
Bronson [TC]
Dead Wood [DVDSCR]
Gran Torino [BDRIP]
Good [DVD]
Fired Up [DVD]
Coraline [DVD]
Prison Break The Final Break [DVDRIP]
Plague Town [DVD]
The Lost Treasure Of The Grand Canyon
Pink Panther 2 [PPV]
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh [SCR]
Missing Lynx [DVD]
Revenge of the Boarding School
Dropouts [DVD]
New In Town [DVD]
12 Rounds [R5]
Infected [DVD]
Phantom Punch [DVD]
The Gray Man [DVDSCR]
Two Lovers [DVD]
Blank [DVD]
Crank 2 High Voltage [R5]
No Through Road [DVD]
DragonBall Evolution [R5]
Fast and Furious 4 [R5]
My Bloody Valentine [DVDSCR]
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans [DVD]
The Collective [DVD]
Paul Blart Mall Cop [DVD]
Love Takes Wing [DVD]
Forever Strong [DVD]
One Eyed Monster [DVD]
Franklyn [DVD]
Thick as Thieves [DVD]
Hannah Montana The Movie [TS]
Observe and Report [TS]
The Last Word [DVD]
Never Surrender [DVD]
The Uninvited [DVD]
Frost Nixon [DVD]
Little Zizou [pDVD]
The International [R5]
Monsters vs Aliens [TS]
Ong Bak 2 [DVD]
Yes Man [DVD]
DragonQuest [DVD]
Baseline Killer [DVDSCR]
Direct Contact [DVD]
Butterfly Effect Revelation [DVD]
The Tribe [DVD]
Killshot [DVD]
Bride Wars [R5]
The Beach (2000) [DvD]
Marley and Me [DVD]
Scary Movie 4 (2006) [DvD]
Inkheart [DVD]
Hallettsville [DVD]
American High School [DVD]
Scar 3D [DVD]
Winged Creatures [DVD]
Happily Never After 2 [DVD]
Growing Out [DVD]
Bad Biology [DVD]
Virus Undead [DVD]
The Adventures of Food Boy [DVD]
Blood Scarab [DVD]
Far Cry [DVD]
Claim [DVD]
What Doesn't Kill You [DVDSCR]
The Burrowers [DVDSCR]
Girl's Best Friend [DVD]
Trapped In 5150 [DVD]
Twilight [DVD]
Babysitter Wanted [DVD]
Walled In [DVD]
Tuesday [DVD]
The Unborn [R5]
Street Fighter Legend of Chun Li [CAM]
Becoming Jane (2007) [DvD]
The Devils Mercy [DVD]
The Legend Trip [DVD]
Let The Right One In [DVD]
Synecdoche New York [DVD]
Milk [DVD]
Bedtime Stories [SCR]
Stiletto [DVD]
The Devil Wears Prada (2006) [DvD]
The Last Confession Of Alexander
Pearce [DVD]
Red Victoria [DVD]
Valkyrie [R5]
Lullaby [DVD]
Role Models [DVD]
Punisher War Zone [DVD]
He’s Just Not That Into You [CAM]
Cadillac Records [DVD]
On the Other Hand, Death [DVD]
Hearts of War [DVDSCR]
Djinn [DVD]
The Escapist [DVD]
God.on.Trial [DVD]
NYC: Tornado Terror [DVD]
Nite Tales [DVD]
Dark Reel [DVDSCR]
Waitress (2007) [DvD]
Jackass 3 [DVD]
Dead Like Me [DVD]
Havoc (2005) [DvD]
The Russell Girl [DVD]
Bound (1996) [DvD]
Body of Lies [DVD]
Screamers The Hunting [DVD]
Red Sands [DVD]
The Grudge 3 [DVDSCR]
Sex Drive [DVDSCR]
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
The Tale of Despereaux [R5]
Good Dick [DVD]
Outlander [DVD]
The Day the Earth Stood Still [R5]
Yonkers Joe [DVD]
Australia [DVDSCR]
Space Buddies [DVD]
The Reader [DVDSCR]
Nights in Rodanthe [DVD]
The Secret Life of Bees [DVD]
Madagascar Escape 2 Africa [DVD]
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist [DVD]
Not Easily Broken [TS]
The Crew [DVD]
Doubt [DVDSCR]
Ready or Not [DVD]
What Just Happened [R5]
Miracle At St Anna [DVD]
Notorious [TS]
Office Space [DVD]
Interception [DVD]
Ring Of Death [DVD]
Clubbed [DVD]
The Red Baron [DVD]
Amusement [DVD]
Wrestling [DVD]
Sunday School Musical [DVD]
18 Year Old Virgin [DVD]
The Lucky Ones [DVD]
Thir13en Ghosts [DVD]
The Haunting Of Molly Hartley [R5]
Farmhouse [DVD]
RocknRolla [DVD]
Another Gay Sequel: Gays Gone Wild!
Repo The Genetic Opera [DVD]
Marley And Me [TS]
The Express [DVD]
City of Ember [DVDSCR]
Without A Paddle Natures Calling [DVD]
Dark World [DVD]
The Spirit [CAM]
Defiance [DVDSCR]
Homeworld [DVD]
The Exorcist (1973) [DvD]
Brideshead Revisited [DVD]
Tyler Perrys The Family That Preys
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
The Wrestler [DVDSCR]
Midnight Movie [DVD]
Boogeyman 3 [DVDSCR]
Alien Raiders [DVD]
Che: Part One [DVDSCR]
Choke [DVDSCR]
Revolutionary Road [DVDSCR]
Religulous [DVDSCR]
Baby [DVD]
In the Electric Mist [DVDSCR]
The Last Lear [DVD]
Slumdog Millionaire [DVDSCR]
Dead Noon [DVDSCR]
3 Day Weekend [DVD]
Scarce [DVD]
Balls Out: The Gary Houseman Story
Passengers [DVD]
Quantum of Solace [R5]
The Alphabet Killer [DVD]
Open Season 2 [DVD]
Disaster Movie [DVD]
Vicky Cristina Barcelona [DVDSCR]
Appaloosa [DVDSCR]
Real Time [DVDSCR]
The Deal [DVD]
Humboldt County [DVDSCR]
The Wedding Singer [DVD]
Nothing Like the Holidays [CAM]
Delgo [CAM]
Ghost Town [DVD]
Shrek 2 [DVD]
Shrek [DVD]
Changeling [DVDSCR]
Click [DVD]
Surfer, Dude [DVD]
Transporter 3 [R5]
An American Carol [DVD]
Boys Don t Cry (1999) [DvD]
American Teen [DVD]
Circulation [DVD]
Hamlet 2 [DVD]
Mr. Deeds [DVD]
Burn After Reading [DVD]
Pulse 3 [DVD]
Wild Child [DVD]
Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging
24: Redemption [DVD]
Stay Alive [DVD]
Knife Edge [DVD]
Final Contract: Death on Delivery [DVD]
Picture this [DVD]
Cover [DVD]
Lakeview Terrace [R5]
Thr3e [DVD]
She's All That [DVD]
Underworld [DVD]
Phone Booth [DVD]
Four Christmases [CAM]
Blindness [DVDSCR]
Resident Evil Degeneration [DVD]
Holy Hustler [DVD]
Sliver [DVD]
Along Came Polly [DvD]
Strictly Sexual [DVD]
Eagle Eye [DVDSCR]
The Duchess [DVDSCR]
Zak And Miri Make A Porno [R5]
My Name is Bruce [DVDSCR]
SAW V [R5]
Tom and Jerry Tales V5 [DVD]
My Best Friend's Girl [R5]
Dough Boys [DVD]
Ski Wolf [DVD]
Tunnel Rats [DVD]
Elegy [DVD]
Merlin and the War of the Dragons
The Devils Curse [DVD]
Killer Movie [DVD]
The Grift [R5]
The Longshots [DVD]
The Dark Knight [DVD]
Max Payne [R5]
Lakeview Terrace [SCR]
Soul Men [CaM]
Garden Party [DVD]
The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Donkey Punch [DVD]
The Square [DVDSCR]
Global Metal [DVD]
Gnomes and Trolls: The Secret Chamber
Traitor [DVD]
Splinter [DVDSCR]
Christmas in Wonderland [DVD]
Ping Pong Playa [DVDSCR]
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
Speed [DVD]
Hollow Man [DVD]
Gangs of New York [DVD]
Cast Away [DVD]
Bad Taste [DVD]
Bangkok Dangerous [R5]
Tropic Thunder [DVDSCR]
The Flight Before Christmas [DVD]
House [DVD]
13 Hours in a Warehouse [DVD]
Burn After Reading [TS]
Pineapple Express [DVDSCR]
Wicked Lake [DVD]
In Search of a Midnight Kiss [DVD]
Transsiberian [DVD]
Zombies Zombies Zombies [DVD]
Quarantine [TS]
Dark World [DVD]
Birds of America [DVD]
Crashing [DVDSCR]
No Man's Land: The Rise of Reeker
The Prince & Me 3: A Royal Honeymoon
Brotherhood Of Blood [DVD]
Jack Hunter and the Lost Treasure of
Ugarit [DVD]
SpongeBob Squarepants Who Bob What
Pants [DVD]
Body of Lies [CAM]
Tinker Bell [DVD]
Ghouls [DVD]
Dance of the Dead [DVD]
The Edge of Love [DVD]
Unfinished Sky [DVD]
Step Brothers [SCR]
Bryan Loves You [DVD]
Dog Gone [DVD]
Necrosis [DVDSCR]
Return to Sleepaway Camp [DVDSCR]
My Mom's New Boyfriend [DVD]
Adulthood [DVD]
3 a.m [DVD]
The Black Balloon [DVD]
The Strangers [DVD]
Conjurer [DVDSCR]
The Legend of Bloody Mary [DVD]
The Rocker [R5]
Fifty Dead Men Walking [DVD]
The Fast Track [DVD]
Happy Valley [DVD]
Beverly Hills Chihuahua [TS]
The Midnight Meat Train [R5]
Babylon A.D. [R3]
Eagle Eye [TS]
The Women [TS]
Mamma Mia! [DVD]
Fireflies in the Garden [DVD]
Three and Out [DVD]
Cruel Intentions 2 [DVD]
Rigged [DVD]
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The
Crystal Skull [DVD]
Salo (or) The 120 Days of Sodom [DvD]
20 Years After [DvD]
Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer [DVD]
Harold [DVD]
Dead and Gone [DvD]
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Righteous Kill [R5]
The cycle [DVD]
Scooby-Doo And The Goblin King [DVD]
The Foot Fist Way [DVD]
Never Cry Werewolf [DVD]
House Arrest [DVDSCR]
Mirrors [R5]
100 Feet [DVD]
The Longest Yard [DvD]
The Mummy [DvD]
The Grudge 2 [DvD]
The Godfather III [DvD]
The Godfather II [DvD]
The Godfather I [DvD]
The Departed [DvD]
Ocean's Thirteen [DvD]
Ocean's Twelve [DvD]
Ocean's Eleven [DvD]
Just Friends [DvD]
Jumanji [DvD]
Freaky Friday [DvD]
The Vanguard [DVD]
Jet Li Is 'The One' [DvD]
Dragon Hunters [DVD]
Definitely, Maybe [DvD]
College [DVD]
Fear House [DVD]
The Incredible Hulk [DVD]
The Ruins [DvD]
The Flyboys [DvD]
Restraint [DvD]
Death Race [DVDSCR]
Rambo I: First Blood [DvD]
Pearl Harbor [DvD]
Titanic [DvD]
Bean: The Ultimate Disaster Movie [DvD]
The Number 23 [DvD]
Liar Liar [DvD]
Lions For Lambs [DvD]
Cleaner [DvD]
The Bucket List [DvD]
How to Rob a Bank [DvD]
Batman:Gotham Knight [DvD]
Loaded [DvD]
Never Back Down [DvD]
Death Sentence [DvD]
Little Man [DvD]
The Shepherd: Border Patrol [DvD]
Secret Window [DvD]
Across the Universe [DvD]
Before Sunset [DvD]
Big Stan [DvD]
Street Kings [DvD]
Back to the Future Part II [DvD]
Back to the Future Part III [DvD]
Back to the Future Part I [DvD]
Dou fo sin [DvD]
The Perfect Assistant [DvD]
American Pool [DVD]
Sex and the City [DVD]
Smokin' Aces [DVD]
Taken [DVDSCR]
Grandma's Boy [DVD]
American Pie 4: Band Camp [DVD]
American pie - 3 [DVD]
Keith [DVDSCR]
Alone in the Dark II [DVDSCR]
Encounters at the End of the World
The Morgue [DVD]
Space Chimps [R5]
Get Smart [R5]
American History X [DvD]
Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of
Fleet Street [DVD]
Rocket Science [DvD]
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Silence of the Lambs [DvD]
Babel [DvD]
Crash [DvD]
Postal [DVD]
What Lies Beneath [DvD]
What Happens in Vegas [DvD]
Finding Amanda [DVD]
Married Life [DvD]
Before Sunrise [DvD]
Munich [DvD]
Requiem for a Dream [DvD]
The Pianist [DvD]
The United States of Leland [DvD]
The Chronicles of Riddick [DvD]
Henry Poole Is Here [DVDSCR]
Baby Mama [DVD]
Cheung Gong 7 hou [DvD]
Wild Orchid [DvD]
Mr. & Mrs. Smith [DvD]
Original Sin [DvD]
Foreign Exchange [DVD]
Over the Hedge [DvD]
Deception [DvD]
The Shawshank Redemption [DvD]
The Rainmaker [DvD]
Memento [DvD]
Sweet November [DvD]
In the Land of Women [DvD]
The Promotion [DvD]
War, Inc. [DvD]
The Astronaut Farmer [DvD]
Planet Terror [DvD]
Death Proof [DvD]
se7en [DvD]
Remember the Titans [DvD]
Little Miss Sunshine [DvD]
The Fall [DvD]
TMNT (Teenage Mutants Ninja Turtles)
Hell Ride (2008) [DvD]
21 Grams [DvD]
The X Files: I Want to Believe [R5]
My Sassy Girl [DvD]
Star Wars The Clone Wars [TS]
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince
Caspian [DVDSCR]
Pirates of Silicon Valley [DvDRip]
L.A. Confidential [DvDRip]
Zodiac (2007) [DvDRip]
Iron Man [DVDSCR]
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) [R5]
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The
Crystal Skull [DVDSCR]
Kung Fu Panda [DVDSCR]
Chocolat (2000) [DvD]
Twelve Monkeys [DvD]
Hancock [R5]
Stuck [DVDSCR]
Son of Rambow (2008) [DvDRip]
Meet Dave [R5]
Accepted 2006 [DvDRip]
Kill Switch 2008 [DVDSCR]
Wanted [R5]
You Dont Mess With The Zohan [R5]
Mama Mia [CAM]
Leatherheads [DVD]
Doomsday [Unrated DVD]
Made of Honor [R5]
Redbelt [DVDSCR]
Journey to the Center of the Earth
(2008) [CaM]
Harold & Kumar Escape from
Guantanamo Bay [Unrated DVD]
The Love Guru [DVDSCR]
Speed Racer [SCR]
Prom Night [Unrated Version] [R5]
The Happening [R5]
Forgetting Sarah Marshall [R5]
Step Up 2: The Streets [DVD]
College Road Trip [DVD]
Superhero [DVD]
The Incredible Hulk [TS-XviD]
Charlie Bartlett [DVD]
The Incredible Hulk (2008) [CamRip]
Drillbit Taylor [SCR]
In Bruges [DVD]
The Spiderwick Chronicles [DVD]
Be Kind Rewind [DVD]
Semi-Pro [DVD]
Fool's Gold [DVD]
Rocky V [DvDRip]
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) [R5 Xvid]
Horton Hears a Who [DvDScr]
Funny Games [DvDScr]
National Treasure: Book of Secrets
The Bank Job [R5]
Nims Island [TS]
Cloverfield [DVD]
Vantage Point [R5 Line]
Meet the Spartans [R5]
Taxi to the Dark Side [DVDSCR]
Horton Hears A Who [TS]
Jumper [R5]
Borderland [DVD]
The Mist [DVD]
Mad Money [R5]
Hero Wanted [DVDSCR]
There Will Be Blood [DVDSCR]
1408 [DVD]
30 Days of Night [DVDScr]
After the Sunset [DVD]
American Gangster [DVDScr]
American Pie Presents: Beta House
Mr. Bean's Holiday [DVD]
Bee Movie [DVDSCR]
Beowulf [R5 LiNE]
Enchanted [Cam-XviD]
The Ferryman [DVD]
Bring It On: In It to Win It [DVD]
The Brave One [R5 LINE]
The Perfect Holiday [DVDScr]
Saw IV [R5.Line]
Lolita [DVD]
Evil Dead 3[Army of Darkness] [DVD]
I Am Legend [DVDScr]
No Country for Old Men [DVDScr]
The Girl Next Door [DVD Unrated]
The Hunting Party [DVD]
P.S. I Love You [CAM]
The Golden Compass [DVDSCR]
First Sunday [Cam-XviD]
Blood Diamond [DVD]
Alvin and the Chipmunks [TS-XviD]
American Pie 4: Band Camp [DVD]
Aliens vs. Predator 2 [R5]
Epic Movie [DVD]
Old School [DVD Unrated]
Lara Croft:Tomb Raider The Cadle Of
Life [DVD]
Sweeny Todd The Demon Barber Of Fleet
Street [DVDSCR]
Hitman [DVDSCR]
Who Am I []
Ghost Ship []
Good Luck Chuck [DVD Unrated]
8 Mile [DVD]
Police Academy 7 [DVD]
Rambo IV [R5]
Ghostrider 5 Back To Basics [DVD]
In the Valley of Elah [DVD]
Biker Boyz [DVD]
Sin City []
She's The Man [DVD]
Lars and the Real Girl [DVDSCR]
The Air I Breathe [DVD]
Run Fat Boy Run [DVD]
Awake [DVD]
Spiral [DVD]
Cassandra's Dream [R5]
There Will Be Blood [DVDSCR]
Jurassic Park III [DVD]
Fred Claus []
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End [DVD]
White Noise 2: The Light [DVD]
Water [DVD]
War [DVD]
Urban Justice [DVD]
Tintin [DVD]
The Dreamers [DVD]
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre [DVD]
Superbad [DVD]
Stuart Little [DVD]
Predator [DVD]
The Skeleton Key [DVD]
Shooter [DVD]
Shoot 'Em Up [DVD]
Shattered [DVD]
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Selasa, September 20, 2011

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Kata Kata Bijak Albert Einstein

Kata Kata Bijak Albert Einstein yang diperoleh diberbagai internet dapat memotivasi anda agar lebih semangat untuk menjalani kehidupan. berikut Kata Kata Bijak Albert Einstein yang tertulis dr berbagai blog dan forum:

1. Terpuruk dalam masalah merupakan peluang hebat untuk kita.

2. Satu-satunya sumber pengetahuan adalah pengalaman.

3. Saya tidak memiliki bakat tertentu. Saya hanya ingin tahu.

4. Jika fakta tidak sesuai dengan teori, rubahlah faktanya.

5. Semakin hukum matematika menunjukkan realitas, menjadi semakin tidak pasti; semakin pasti, semakin tidak menunjukkan realitas.

6. Kerja keras bukan untuk sukses tetapi untuk sebuah nilai.

7. Pelepasan tenaga atom telah merubah segalanya kecuali cara kita berpikir… pemecahan untuk masalah ini tergantung kepada hati nurani umat manusia. Jika saya mengetahuinya, lebih baik saya menjadi pembuat jam tangan.

8. Sesuatu yang paling sulit dimengerti di dunia ini adalah pajak penghasilan.\

9. Ilmu pengetahuan adalah sesuatu yang luar biasa seandainya seseorang tidak harus menghabiskan hidupnya terhadap hal tersebut.

10. Tragedi kehidupan adalah sesuatu yang mati di dalam diri seseorang pada saat dia hidup.

11. Saya tidak pernah memikirkan masa depan. Masa depan akan segera datang.

12. Jika A adalah ‘sukses’, maka rumusnya adalah ‘A=X+Y+Z’, dimana X adalah ‘kerja’, Y adalah ‘bermain’, dan Z adalah jaga mulut anda agar tetap tertutup.

13. ketika seseorang bertanya kepada Einstein, pertanyaan apa yang akan diajukan kepada Tuhan bila dia dapat mengajukan pertanyaan itu, dia menjawab, "Bagaimana awal mula jagad raya ini? Karena segala sesuatu sesudahnya hanya masalah matematika" Tapi setelah berpikir beberapa saat, dia mengubah pikirannya lalu bilang,”Bukan itu. Saya akan bertanya,”Kenapa dunia ini diciptakan?" Karena, dengan demikian saya akan mengetahui makna hidup saya sendiri"

14. Telegraph tanpa kabel tidak sulit untuk dimengerti. Telegraph biasa seperti kucing yang sangat panjang. Anda tarik ekornya di New York, dan mengeong di Los Angeles. Yang tanpa kabel sama saja, hanya tanpa kucingnya.

15. Tuhan tidak bermain dadu.

16. Kelemahan dalam tingkah laku menjadi kelemahan karakter.

17. Membaca, setelah beberapa waktu, menggelapkan pikiran terlalu jauh dari pencarian kreatif nya. Seseorang yang membaca terlalu banyak dan menggunakan otaknya terlalu sedikit akan menjadi kebiasaan malas untuk berpikir.

18. Ketika ditanya dengan apa perang dunia III akan dilakukan, Einstein menjawab bahwa ia tidak tahu. Tapi dia mengetahui dengan apa perang dunia IV akan dilakukan: Dengan pentungan dan batu!

19. Agama tanpa ilmu adalah buta. Ilmu tanpa agama adalah lumpuh.

20. Kenyataan hanyalah sebuah ilusi, walaupun terjadi terus menerus.

21. Jika teori relativitas terbukti sukses, Jerman akan mengklaim saya sebagai orang Jerman dan Perancis menyatakan bahwa saya seorang penduduk dunia. Seharusnya teori saya terbukti tidak benar, Perancis akan mengatakan saya orang Jerman dan Jerman akan mengatakan saya orang Yahudi.

22. Nasionalisme adalah penyakit yang kekanak-kanakan. Itu adalah penyakit campak dari ras manusia.

23. Sejak ahli matematika menginvasi teori relativitas. Saya tidak mengerti diri saya lagi.

24. Kaum intelektual memecahkan masalah, para jenius mencegah mereka.

25. Aku meyakini bahwa Dia (Tuhan) tidak bermain dadu.

26. Hukum gravitasi tidak berlaku terhadap orang yang sedang jatuh cinta.

27. Adalah mungkin untuk menjelaskan segala sesuatu secara ilmiah, tetapi itu membuatnya tanpa rasa; itu membuatnya tanpa arti, seperti jika anda menjelaskan Simfony Beethoven sebagai variasi dari tekanan udara.

28. Tugas sains antara lain adalah untuk menemukan keindahan alam.

29. Di tengah kesulitan terdapat kesempatan.

30. Satu – satunya hal yang bertentangan dengan ilmu pengetahuanku adalah pendidikanku.

31. Ketika anda berpacaran dengan cewek yang manis, satu jam seperti sedetik. Ketika anda duduk di atas tungku panas, sedetik serasa satu jam. Itulah relativitas.

32. Itu tidak berarti saya cerdas, Itu hanya karena saya tetap dengan masalah tersebut lebih lama.

33. Banyak orang mengatakan kepintaran yang menjadikan seseorang Ilmuwan besar. Mereka keliru.. itu adalah karakter.

34. Masalah penting yang kita hadapi kini tidak dapat kita pecahkan pada tingkat berpikir yang sama seperti ketika kita menciptakan masalah tersebut.

35. Hanya ada dua hal yang tidak terbatas, alam semesta dan kebodohan. Dan saya tidak yakin tentang alam semesta.

36. Ada dua cara untuk memahami kehidupan. Cara pertama dengan menyadari bahwa tidak ada hal yang mukjizat. Yang kedua menyadari bahwa semua hal adalah mukjizat.

37. Intuisi lebih penting daripada penjelasan. Imajinasi lebih penting daripada pengetahuan.

38. Cobalah tidak untuk menjadi seseorang yang sukses, tetapi menjadi seseorang yang bernilai.

39. Seseorang memulai untuk hidup ketika ia dapat hidup diluar dirinya.

40. Hal terindah yang dapat kita alami adalah misteri. Misteri adalah sumber semua seni sejati dan semua ilmu pengetahuan.
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Senin, September 19, 2011


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Rating imdb : 8.1
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